cats that don’t shed

Are there any cats that don’t shed, best house options!

Is your cat allergy stopping you from having a kitty for a pet? It doesn’t have to because you now have the option to have cats that don’t shed!

You heard it right. A non-shedding kitty is a perfect solution for you.

One of the reasons why some people are skeptical about adopting a cat is the trouble of managing shedding fur.

However, felines can't help it. Shedding is a normal process in cats in which new ones replace old fur.

Indoor cats can shed all year round while outdoors cats may shed more hair in the spring and fall.

Most cat owners have already experienced the inconvenience of continually vacuuming feline hair from the house.

On top of that, excessive shedding can trigger cat allergy in humans.

Cat allergy is a histamine reaction that is usually characterized by these symptoms:

  • itching
  • rashes
  • coughing
  • sneezing
  • tightening of the chest
  • watery eyes
  • wheezing
  • nasal congestion
  • moreover, chapped lips
Cats that don't shed

In severe cases, a reaction may progress rapidly and may require emergency medical attention.

However, contrary to what you're thinking, it's not the fur that triggers the allergic reaction.

The allergens are primarily expressed in the cat's urine, saliva, and dander (dried flakes of skin).

As the kitty grooms itself, the allergen-bearing saliva and dander may get into the fur.

However, how do these allergens cause such a violent allergic reaction in the body?

People with allergies have oversensitive immune systems. When they get in contact with a kitty’s dander, their bodies mistake these harmless things as dangerous invaders.

The symptoms of allergic reactions are the side effects of the body’s attack on the allergen.

If you’re one of the few people with cat allergies, you’ve probably given up any hope of having a kitty for a pet.

However, there's no reason to give up your love for felines just because you have cat allergies. The good news is that there are cats that don't shed which are ideal for people with pet allergies.

Even if you don’t have cat allergies, you also have the option to choose low-shedding kitties to lighten up your burden of frequently removing hair all over the house.

Protein Allergy vs. Dander Allergy

An allergic reaction can either be triggered by the protein allergen found in cat's saliva.

So if you have this type of allergy, it's difficult to see a kitty which you're not allergic to.

Most people with this type of allergy often abandon their dreams of becoming a cat owner.

On the other hand, dander allergy can be managed, and there are several ways to reduce its risk.

If you have this allergy, it's still possible for you to own a kitty. However, you have to be more careful in choosing the appropriate feline pet for you.

Choose a cat without a double coat.

cat without a double coat

Majority of cat types have a fine undercoat of short hairs and a smooth outer coat of guard hairs for additional insulation.

Kitties having double coats usually shed more than those without double coats.

If furs with allergen-bearing dander are scattered all over the place, there's a higher risk of allergic reaction. A cat that doesn’t shed usually only has an undercoat.

Look for cats that don’t have double coats. Less shedding means lower risk of acquiring allergens.

You can also minimize the occurrence of dander by allowing a cat’s body to get its natural pH balance.

Bathing a kitty too often can strip off its skin’s natural oil that keeps the skin from getting dry.

Dander usually appears when the skin surface starts to flake off due to extreme dryness.

Hence, you should refrain from giving frequent baths to your kitty to prevent causing dander.

Instead of baths, it's highly recommended to use pet wipes to clean the kitty's fur.

While you're at it, avoid touching your face and eyes during the cleaning process.

Also, don't forget to wash your hands after getting in contact with your feline buddy.

Are There Cats That Don’t Shed?

For people suffering from allergies, it would be nice to find a hypoallergenic cat as a pet.

However, is there such a thing as a hypoallergenic kitty? Are there cats that don’t shed?

Unfortunately, no type of feline is entirely hypoallergenic. This is because the protein present in a cat's saliva is an allergen itself.

That’s why people with adverse reactions to this protein cannot possibly own a feline pet for their own sake.

People with dander allergy have a greater chance of adopting a kitty. Non-shedding or minimally-shedding kitties can be the solution.

Particular types of cats don't shed at all because they're hairless. It means they won't have any fur to drop in the first place.

However, if you're not a fan of hairless kitties, you can also opt for kitties with short hair. These cats generally have less hair to shed.

Less hair means less shedding. So less shedding minimizes the risk of acquiring allergens.

However, you still need to make sure that petting a non-shedding kitty is safe for you.

Try to spend time with the kitty for the first time and be aware of any allergic reaction that you may manifest.

If there are no allergic reactions, then you may consider bringing your new pet home.

However, if you happen to encounter some allergy symptoms, don't force it.

There are other kitties for you out there, and you need to keep on looking for the right one.

Whether you end up adopting a breed with short hair or no hair at all, make sure that your pet is warm in colder months.

Unlike cats with double coats, cats that don’t shed lack the insulation that a thick, long fur can provide.

Let them wear sweaters when autumn and winter arrive to ensure that they’re warm and cozy.

Now, if you're serious about owning a non-shedding kitty, it's also essential to research the different types of cats that don't shed a lot.

By studying each type’s distinct personality, temperament and health conditions, you can decide which particular one to choose.

Understanding some pertinent information about specific cat breeds dramatically helps deepen your commitment in taking care of your precious kitty.

No worries, you don’t have to go anywhere else to research on the different types of cats that don’t shed.

We’ve gathered up this list of non-shedding and light-shedding cats to help you find your ideal feline companion.

10 Best House Cats That Don’t Shed

Here's a list of the top 10 types of cats that don’t shed:

1. Sphynx

Sphynx cat

Now, here’s a cat that doesn’t shed at all – the Sphynx. If there's one thing that this particular type is widely known for, it is their ultimate hairlessness.

Due to their lack of coat, their skin has a leather-like texture that may either have fine hairs or nothing at all.

The Sphynx cat was developed through selective breeding and is descended from two different lines of hairless felines:

  • 2 barn cats found in Minnesota
  • Three stray cats from Toronto, Canada

The color of their skin reflects the color of their fur would be. Skin colors include white, black, brown and violet.

Some Sphynx kitties also have coloring patterns on their skin such as tabby, calico, tortoiseshell, pointed, bicolor, and mink patterns.

Another unusual characteristic of this type is its wrinkles particularly between the ears and around the shoulders.

Due to their hairlessness, Sphynx cats lose more body heat that their coated counterparts. Naturally, they will seek more warmth during the winter season because they don't have fur to insulate them.

Warm them up with sweaters during cold weather. Offer them a fluffy bed with blankets so that they can take refuge when they need to.

With a Sphynx kitty as a pet, winter isn’t the only season to watch out for. Exposure to sunlight may cause severe burns because it lacks protective fur.

In worse cases, skin cancer may develop if your kitty is exposed to the sun for long periods of time.

For that reason, it's essential to monitor your pet's exposure to the sun during hot summer months.

In addition to sensitivity to cold and sunlight, this feline type also has a higher risk of respiratory problems and heart disease than most species.

One of the most amazing things about a Sphynx kitty is that it produces less or no dander at all. This makes this type the perfect solution for people who have a dander allergy.

Since they have no hair to absorb body oils, their skin tends to become oily. Moreover, since you don't have to worry about dander, you can bath a Sphynx kitty as often as needed.

Regular baths can help remove excess oils from the skin. However, be sure to thoroughly dry and warm up your hairless pet after every shower.

As for their distinct personality, Sphynx cats are intelligent and curious creatures as well as they’re extremely friendly.

They are highly active cats that prefer playing than being petted or snuggled. Their energetic antics have been a great source of entertainment for most pet owners.

Sometimes, they would get jealous of other pets around you, and they would require your attention the most.

Sphynx is the most popular breed of hairless cats that don't shed, and they make the perfect pet of allergy sufferers.

However, these fantastic perks have its price because this is also one of the most expensive types of cats available.

2. Bengal

Bengal cat

If you're a huge fan of cats but not a massive fan of shedding, you may want to consider a Bengal cat.

The Bengal cat was developed to resemble exotic wild cats such as leopards and ocelots.

Much like Asian leopards, this type also has a leopard-like body structure, wild appearance with large spots and a light-colored belly.

The reason why people with pet allergies most prefer the Bengal breed is that its coat is not too thick.

Some Bengal cat owners would insist that their pets don’t shed at all, while others would say that Bengals do, although to a minimum degree.

All felines with hair will shed. Yes, even humans lose a great deal of hair on a daily basis.

 As explained earlier, hair will eventually shed to make way for a new one. Although Bengals have more of a pelt than a fur, expect some of their short hair to drop now and then.

However, shedding would not be as superfluous compared to cats with double coats.

Additionally, Bengals are not the most diligent groomers, so there's a lower risk of transmitting allergens in the saliva.

However, they will lick their coat if they feel the need to groom themselves.

That is why you should groom your Bengal pet regularly to keep it from using its saliva.

Brush their coat once or twice a week. Not only does this prevent your pet from grooming itself but it also keeps shedding to a minimum.

Frequent combing helps remove dead hair as well as distribute skin oils.

The short hair of the Bengal is easily cared for, and a bath is rarely necessary. Use pet wipes instead of a shower to remove dirt and debris from its coat.

Bengals are agile and highly active pets making them a perfect choice for a household with children. They can play fetch and learns tricks quickly.

Although they are playful and energetic for the most part, they’ll also appreciate being carried and petted.

3. Donskoy

Donskoy cat

If you’re looking for hairless types of cats that don’t shed, you may want to check this out.

Commonly mistaken for a Sphynx cat, the Donskoy is a different type of hairless cats that originated in Russia.

Despite their striking resemblance, the Donskoy is not related to the Sphynx in any way.

Donskoy's hairlessness is caused by a dominant gene, whereas a recessive gene causes the Sphynx hair suppression.

Some Donskoy kittens are born bald while others are born with hair that will eventually shed.

Once the fur sheds, they will never be replaced by new ones. This means that they will only shed once throughout their entire lifetime.

Unlike Sphynx, these cats have soft and elastic skin. However, they also have large wrinkles under the chin, cheeks, and jowls.

The Donskoy has slanted eyes, almond eyes in contrast to the Sphynx’s round eyes.

Because they lack the insulation and protection they may get from thick fur, Donskoy cats will need additional protection from the cold and sunlight.

Keep them warm in the winter by giving them sweaters. During summer days, avoid exposing them under the sun for long durations of time to prevent sunburn and skin cancer.

Protect their bare skin with sunscreen if you need to bring your pet out during summer days. Ask your vet for the best sunscreen for your feline buddy.

Despite being hairless, the Donskoy still needs regular grooming. Because it lacks the hair to absorb body oils, the oil can accumulate on the skin.

Oily skin can attract much dirt, and it may give off lousy smell if left unattended. Giving a bath once or twice a week can keep your hairless feline clean and smell fresh.

The Donskoy is known for their intelligent and inquisitive nature. This cat makes an ideal family pet because it’s playful and energetic.

They may be active pets, but they're also gentle and affectionate towards their humans. Furthermore, they can get along well with other pets such as other kitties and dogs.

An adorable cat that doesn’t shed, you could never go wrong with the Donskoy.

4. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex cat

This type of domestic cat originated in Cornwall, Great Britain.

Cornish Rex kitties may look hairless from afar, but they have beautiful, short hairs upon closer look.

Although they are typically short-haired kitties, their coat is sometimes curly.

Since they do not have double coats like most types of cats, they may develop a fragile layer or may even go bald.

Most Cornish Rex kittens have curls at birth. As they go through a stage, their coat becomes flat and suede-like. Surprisingly, their fur becomes curly again as they mature.

The coat of a Cornish Rex comes in a wide range of colors and patterns.

Coat colors are black, white, red, blue, brown, orange, cream and lavender.

Various models include bi-color, calico, pointed, tortoiseshell, and more.

Because they lack guard hairs and coats that are extremely fine, Cornish Rex kitties are sensitive to low temperatures.

They would prefer to stay near warm places, and they would appreciate snuggling down with their humans.

Cornish Rex is an ideal pet especially if you have kids. This is because these types of kitties love to play and interact with humans.

It might be fair to describe them as “doglike” because they have the energy of a retriever and the speed of a sighthound.

They mostly like to play fetch, do acrobatic jumps and race with other pets. Also, they are inquisitive and love to explore wherever they can go.

So if you want a quiet kitty that prefers to lounge indoor most of the time, this type is not for you.

Adopting a highly active pet such as a Cornish Rex involves allotting lots of time for playtime and frequent walks in the outdoors.

Grooming a Cornish Rex is easy as you only need to maintain its short, beautiful coat. A fine-tooth comb or a soft bristle brush can do the trick.

Gently brush the coat, so you don't break the very delicate hairs. To reduce the appearance of dander, bath your pet only once or twice a month.

Use pet wipes in between to remove dirt and debris from the coat.

Don’t forget to provide supplemental protection during winter seasons and also during summer months.

5. Siamese

Siamese cat

The Siamese cat is a natural breed that has contributed to the creation of other types such as the Oriental Shorthair, Balinese, Himalayan Persian, Havana Brown, and Tonkinese.

Siamese cat got its name from its place of origin, Thailand (formerly Siam).

It has become one of the first distinctly recognized types of cats in Asia and is one of the most popular species in North America and Europe.

Modern Siamese is characterized by a triangular-shaped head, blue almond-shaped eyes, large ears, and long slender body.

Although this type of feline has short hair, they do shed. However, shedding isn't as noticeable as it is with most kinds of kitties.

They typically shed at least twice a year which makes them a perfect choice for people who don’t want excessive cat hair on clothing or furniture.

Siamese cats have a short coat with a fine texture that comes in many colors and patterns such as:

  • blue point
  • seal point
  • lilac point
  • redpoint
  • tabby point
  • the silver tabby point
  • particolor point
  • cream point
  • smoke point
  • also, chocolate point

The short, beautiful coat of this type is very easy to maintain. Grooming the fur with a brush once or twice a week can help distribute skin oils and remove dead hair.

This breed of cats is typically affectionate and intelligent pets. However, perhaps the most unusual traits of the Siamese kitties is that they are talkative and opinionated.

They usually use their loud, low-pitched voice – often compared to the cries of human babies – to get your attention and heed to their demands.

Highly active and playful, they commonly exhibit kitten-like behavior even as adults as they prefer to play rather than to idle.

Due to their extrovert nature, they occasionally suffer from depression if left alone for long durations of time.

If you want to take care of a Siamese kitty, you have to commit lots of time to spend with it.

6. Oriental Shorthair

Oriental Shorthair cat

Because of its relation to the Siamese, this type of domestic feline inherited some physical attributes and characteristics of its progenitor.

Just like the Siamese, Oriental Shorthairs also have a triangular-shaped head, almond-shaped eyes, unusually large ears, and tubular body.

Oriental Shorthairs have short, beautiful coat and they shed less than most types of cats.

This particular type is perfect for people who are into cats that don't shed or minimally-shedding pets.

However, if you're more into furry felines, there's a long-haired version of this cat called Oriental Longhairs carrying a pair of recessive longhair genes.

One of the most amazing things about this type is that they can be found in more than 300 colors and patterns.

Depending on the coat color and design, the color of the eyes may be blue or green, and sometimes odd (one green and one blue).

However, the most basic types include solid colors in red, blue, cream, ebony, white, brown and lavender.

So the most usual patterns are bicolor, tabby coat, tortoiseshell, smoke, and shaded patterns.

Just like any other short-haired felines, grooming is particularly easy as you only need to brush their coat once or twice a week.

Except for the variations of colors and patterns, Oriental Shorthair and Siamese are almost similar in appearance and personality.

Orientals are also athletic and playful. Along with their intelligence, they are very curious and love to explore their surroundings.

They are great playmates for kids as they particularly enjoy the game of fetch with them.

Also, they have a reputation for being talkative, and they're very vocal about getting your attention.

Mind you though, these kitties are very possessive of their humans, and they tend to get easily jealous when you cuddle other pets.

Their deep affection towards their humans is what makes them a favorite among many cat lovers.

7. Peterbald

Peterbald cat

Another wonderful breed of cats that don't shed is the Peterbald.

This is a type of Russian origin, and it was created by cross-breeding between the Oriental Shorthair and the hairless Donskoy.

Because of its bald attribute, the Peterbald is often mistaken for a Sphynx and is sometimes incorrectly named Peterbald Sphynx.

However, these two types are not related. The hairlessness can be attributed to their Donskoy parents.

Even the Donskoy is also often mistaken for a Sphynx, and they're not even related.

Despite its name, not all Peterbalds are actually ‘bald.' There are five different variations of this type, namely:

  • Bald: 100% hairless; no eyebrows and whiskers
  • Flock or chamois: 90% hairless and skin texture resembles chamois leather
  • Velour: 70% hairless with a very short coat of up to 1mm in length
  • Brush: skin feels like pelt with wiry hair of up to 5mm in length
  • Straight: short coat; with eyebrows and whiskers

It's also important to point out that a Peterbald's coat can change during the first two years of its life.

The skin they possess at birth may be altered or lost as they mature.

Also, just like their Oriental Shorthair parents, Peterbald also comes in all colors and patterns.

The hairless Peterbald closely resembles the Donskoy while the short-haired versions are almost similar to the Oriental Shorthair.

Grooming a hairless Peterbald doesn't require any brushing or combing, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be paying attention to its hygiene.

Because there is no hair to absorb the body oils, the skin may become too oily and sticky if neglected.

You’ll need to give regular baths to a hairless Peterbald to prevent excess oil from accumulating on the skin and to avoid body odor.

For short-haired Peterbald, brushing or combing the coat once or twice a week is highly recommended.

Since they have hair to absorb the oils, baths are rarely needed to avoid the appearance of dander.

If you’re looking for a kitty with unwavering loyalty, the Peterbald cat is sure to stick with you through thick and thin.

They follow their humans as if they were shadows and would appreciate every sign of affection from you.

Affectionate as they are, they are also active and playful. Whether it’s a game of fetch or puzzle games, they will show interest in everything you do.

If you prefer an athletic kitty that is not so talkative and noisy, the Peterbald is the perfect kitty for you.

Loyal, intelligent, playful and doesn’t shed that much. What more could you ask for in a cat?

8. Colorpoint Shorthair

colorpoint shorthair cat

Image credits:

The Colorpoint Shorthair is a feline type that was developed using a cross-breed between Siamese and Red American Shorthair.

However, the International Cat Association considers Colorpoint Shorthair as a variety of Siamese and not as a distinct type.

Colorpoint Shorthairs are distinguished by their full range of 16 different point colors, compared to the four standard Siamese colors. Their coat usually darkens as they age.

Most of their physical attributes are acquired from their Siamese parents: triangular-shaped head, large ears, blue almond-shaped eyes, and long slender body.

Although they do not shed that much, you can further minimize shedding by combing their coat once or twice a week.

Use a soft bristle brush or a stainless steel comb to distribute the oil and remove dead hair. Gently polish the coat with a soft cloth to make it shine.

Colorpoint Shorthairs are sociable and extremely fond of people. They enjoy playing and lounging with people.

Inherent to Siamese, they are naturally talkative and will let you know when they demand your attention.

So if you don’t mind having a chatty busybody as a companion then get yourself a Colorpoint Shorthair now.

As extrovert as they are, they can also become susceptible to a sudden change in environments or to strangers.

Male Colorpoints are known to be dominant creatures and found to be aggressive towards other animals.

9. Devon Rex

Devon Rex cat

The Devon Rex is a natural breed that originated in Devon, England.

It was initially thought to be related with the Cornish Rex but test breeding soon proved otherwise.

One of the most outstanding characteristics of this type is its soft, wavy fur.

Its curled coat doesn’t have guard hairs that most shedding cats possess.

While some Devon Rex kitties have loose, shaggy curls, others have coats that are thinner and suede-like.

They are often regarded as one of the most hypoallergenic cats because their fur is so elegant and they don't shed much. Devon Rex coat comes in all possible colors and patterns.

Otherwise known as “alien cat” due to its unique appearance, this medium-sized cat has large eyes and ears, and slightly-upturned nose.

It has very short and curled whiskers, long legs, and unusually large toes. The body is distinctly lightly built which makes them able to jump so high.

The Devon’s wavy coat is easy to groom. Gently brush the delicate hairs once or twice a week.

Another remarkable thing about Devon Rex is its characteristic that can be compared to that of a monkey.

Along with their intelligence, they have this unusual fondness for high places and will go to great lengths to get to the highest spot in the room.

They are not as talkative as other cat types, but they are as affectionate and friendly to their humans as most kitties.

Not as highly active as other cats, they do like to play now and then. However, they are too occupied in finding the highest spot in the area most of the times.

Because they lack the hair to keep them warm, they would also seek the coziest spot as their haven from the cold weather.

10. Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail cat

This type of domestic cat is native to Japan and Southeast Asia, although it’s not found in all parts of the globe. Moreover, who wouldn't fall in love with this type of cat?

Its unusual "bobbed" tail is short and stubby, looking more like a rabbit's tail.

Additionally, Japanese Bobtail is a single-coated kitty that doesn't shed as much as other kitties.

This cat comes in two varieties – shorthaired and longhaired. Of course, if you prefer cats that don’t shed, the shorthaired version is the better option.

Both the longhaired and shorthaired varieties are natural to groom, and baths are rarely needed because their coat is highly water-resistant.

Remember to brush them more often during spring and fall seasons when shedding is in full swing.

Japanese Bobtail has a triangular-shaped head, upright ears, large oval eyes, with hind legs more extended than the forelegs.

This type is well-known for its tricolor calico pattern and is considered the luckiest color for this breed.

Other favorite colors are red and white or black and white. It also comes in solid colors and tabby patterns.

Always alert and inquisitive, the Japanese Bobtail will require you to play with them most of the time.

They are outgoing cats and love to explore. Whether playing fetch or solving puzzle toys, they are intelligent felines that can quickly learn the ropes of everything.

Furthermore, they are talkative and will communicate with you through meows and chirps.

They usually show their attachment to their humans by riding on their shoulders and following them everywhere.

Be mindful especially when there's a source of water nearby. Japanese Bobtails are highly attracted to water, and they will splash their paws in it when they get the chance.

Another good thing about this cat is that it can quickly get along with other kitties and even dogs.

Hairless or Shorthair?

As long as a cat has hair, whether shorthair or longhair, expect to find cat hair on your clothes, furniture, and everything else inside your home.

Unless you decide to adopt hairless types of cats that don't shed at all, you're going to have to deal with shedding.

However, you have now the option to choose shorthaired felines that don’t shed that much.

These minimally-shedding kitties are a great option especially if you’re not particularly fond of bald cats.

Kitties with short hair and preferably without guard hairs (only undercoat) would be the best solution for people with mild allergic reactions to dander.

Although they still shed, it is not as extreme as other cats with double coats and long, thick fur.

It’s also important to point out that even hairless cats are not 100% hypoallergenic. They also produce the same allergens as furred felines.

These allergens can be exhibited through the skin oils, and they can trigger allergic reactions when people get in contact with them.

Hairless types such as Sphynx, Donskoy, and Peterbald should be given regular baths to prevent excess oil on their skin. So to minimize your chances of acquiring these allergens.

When Is Shedding Becomes a Serious Concern?

Typically, cats shed the most in spring and fall seasons. Also, they usually get their fur back in time for the winter season.

However, contrary to most belief, the temperature has nothing to do with the severity of shedding.

This is due to the amount of sunlight available during these seasons that causes hair loss.

Moreover, this also explains why outdoor cats are more prone to hair loss in spring and fall compared to indoor kitties.

If your feline pet is shedding a lot all year round and it seems to lose more hair than usual, then you should consider this as a sign.

Excessive hair loss and appearance of bald patches may be symptoms that your kitty is suffering from one of the following health problems:

  • Skin irritation due to allergies
  • Bacterial and fungal infection such as ringworm
  • Flea Infestation
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Sunburn
  • Malnutrition
  • Medication side effects

If excessive shedding is accompanied by obsessive scratching and biting on some spots, take your pet to the vet for a medical exam.

There might be some serious underlying health issues that require immediate attention.

How to Minimize Shedding in Cats

Certain types of cats don't shed, there are those that shed minimally, and there are those that shed a lot.

Depending on your level of tolerance towards shedding, your understanding of the different severity of shedding should guide you in choosing the right pet.

However, even those minimally-shedding breeds can lose much hair if there are some underlying health issues.

Frequent visits to the vet clinic should help you understand how to manage and treat these symptoms.

However, you can also help minimize shedding by doing the following:

  • Regular grooming by brushing or combing the coat
  • Provide a well-balanced diet
  • Be vigilant and notice any possible signs such as bald patches, lesions, fleas, ticks, redness and inflammation

Shedding is a natural process in most feline breeds, but you should know when it becomes a serious concern.

The worse may happen if shedding goes untended, mainly when you always regard it as a regular thing.

Additionally, your feline pet may suffer from hairball if you don’t groom it regularly. This happens when your kitty grooms itself by licking its fur.

Since dead hairs are not removed, your kitty ends up swallowing these dead hairs.

Rather than passing through the intestinal tract, the hair is withdrawn out of the system through vomits.

Coughing up a hairball isn't only a painful experience for the kitty, but it's also unpleasant for the person who has to clean them up.

Another problem that may arise if you don’t groom your feline friend on a regular basis is the possibility of having matted hair.

Mats are clumps of knotted fur, and it can become uncomfortably painful for your kitty.

Conclusion: Cats That Don’t Shed

For a pet, there's no doubt that cats are the greatest (although dog lovers would undoubtedly beg to disagree).

They are fascinating creatures that can entertain you in many ways. Also, their affectionate nature makes them a perfect companion for any individuals of all ages.

However, allergy sufferers may have to think twice before adopting a kitty.

Taking good care of an adorable kitty sure sounds like fun. However, is it worth to risk their health?

Cats that don't shed is the ultimate solution to this problem. There are hairless breeds of cats that won't pose any shedding problem because they don't have any hair to lose.

We’ve given you the list of the best house cats that don’t shed. That would help you narrow down your prospect.

Whether you choose a bald kitty or a shorthaired one is entirely up to your preference.

Despite that, veterinarians are still encouraging allergy sufferers to be cautious because no cats are entirely hypoallergenic.

This means that even hairless and shorthaired breeds can still produce allergens that are dangerous for people with allergies.

Regardless of whether your pet sheds or not, it is important to allot time for them.

Groom them regularly to keep their skin and hair healthy. Regular grooming can also help prevent hairballs and mats on hair.

So remember, taking care of a pet is as equally important as taking care of yourself.

If you have pet allergies, choose a pet depending on the severity of your allergy.

Also, If you are planning to adopt or purchase a pet, then make sure to consider cat breeds for more options.


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