Personalities and much more, male vs female cats!

Do you prefer a particular gender when choosing a feline pet? Here’s everything you need to know about the differences between male cats vs female cats.

Choosing a new pet is an exciting yet challenging task. There's a wide array of feline breeds to choose from. Not to mention your preference on color and fur length.

While gender has something to do with the decision, some aspiring pet owners would prefer affectionate companions over the cool ones.

Others would also evaluate the personalities, temperaments, behaviors, and health issues of a particular animal.

Male cats vs female cats personalities significantly differ from each other. Moreover, we're going to take an in-depth comparison between these two.

Many people believe that both genders have traits that are inherent to their gender. Not just in animals but also in humans.

It's easy to differentiate humans by their gender, but that is not the case for our feline buddies.

When it comes to appearance, it’s almost impossible to tell a kitty’s gender from afar. Unless, of course, if we conduct a closer physical inspection on it.

Therefore, physical appearance is not the most effective distinguishing factor in choosing between male cats vs female cats.

If you’re having a hard time deciding which particular gender to choose, you may want to start by understanding their behavioral differences.

Apart from behaviors, it is also essential to learn potential health issues that are common in each gender.

However, why is there a need to understand these variables? You'd probably think that choosing a pet shouldn't be this complicated.

Sure, it's just a matter of decision. However, remember that this decision will significantly affect your life in the long run.

A wrong decision will lead your path to regret, and it would be too late to turn back. Look at this way, choosing a pet is like picking for a lifetime partner.

Of course, you want to be with a perfect partner whom you can spend happy moments with.

Also, you don't pick a companion randomly; you need to scrutinize every single detail to help you decide.

That also goes the same in choosing a pet. Even animals possess certain personalities that are unique to each of them.

So there is one pet out there that perfectly suits you. Consider that pet as your perfect match, and it's up to you to look for it.

However, how can we narrow down the search?

There are thousands, if not millions, of available feline pets to choose from. Moreover, this is where this task becomes so challenging.

Should you get a male or a female kitty?

To help you come up with a perfect decision, it is highly advisable that you understand the differences between male cats vs female cats.

Picking the right pet that perfectly matches your preference and personality is one way to ensure a happy, fulfilling life.

Male Cats vs Female Cats – Which to Choose?

male cats vs female cats

Some pet owners don’t even consider the gender as a deciding factor in choosing a pet. For them, gender doesn’t matter.

Most of them rely on ‘falling in love at first sight' regardless of the pet's gender.

However, if you are one of those who take a pet's gender seriously, then you need to pay attention to this.

Aside from the obvious, what is the main difference between male cats vs female cats? Is there a huge difference that we should worry about?

You're probably asking the same question, and that is surely something worth looking into.

First, we're going to look at it from a statistical viewpoint.

A particular survey showed that 55% of pet owners claimed that male cats are more affectionate. Also, 25% stated that female cats are the more loving ones.

The remaining 20% declared that gender has nothing to do with the behavior and personality of felines. However, is it enough to rely on these statistical figures alone?

Although these numbers can give us a slight hint, we still need to dig deeper to learn the significant factors that can help us in our decision. There is more to it than just public opinion.

To help you decide which gender to choose, male cats vs female cats, we need to study the following variables:

  • Basic temperamental traits
  • Affection towards their humans
  • Health issues
  • Lifespan
  • Size

By understanding these factors in both genders, you can compare their similarities and differences.

This knowledge can significantly help you pick the best pet for you male cats vs female cats.

Essential Temperamental Traits of the Male Cat

male cats vs female cats personalities

When it comes to behavior, both genders are indeed very different. You may want to consider this fact when choosing a pet.

The differences between male cats vs female cats personalities are more distinct among unaltered felines.

This is because their behaviors are sexually driven, and they belong to different sexes, after all.

Their actions usually change after spaying or neutering and their differences may diminish.

So, we’re going to discuss all the basic behaviors of intact male and intact female felines before we deal with spay and neuter procedures.

First, we are going to look at the essential characteristics of a male cat. Even if you're seriously thinking about getting a female kitty, you still need to check these amazing facts about male felines.

Who knows? You might find out later that a male kitty is the better choice for you. Here are the natural behaviors and traits of the male cat:


male cats vs female cats

Due to their high-testosterone level, intact male kitties tend to be more aggressive towards other people and other household pets.

These male hormones often encourage aggressive, undesirable behaviors that make them fiercely competitive with other male felines.

Hormonal-driven aggression is usually associated with threatening staring stances, incessant yowling, and physical attacks through scratching and biting.

Neutering an intact male kitty significantly reduces or eliminates these aggressive behavioral patterns.

Territorial Habit

male cats vs female cats personalities

Felines are territorial by nature, but this characteristic is more distinct among intact male felines. They tend to fight over territory especially during mating season.

Due to regional conflict, unfixed male felines are often aggressive with each other.

Older resident pets also begin to act aggressively when you adopt new pets into your home. This is to show the newbies who are the boss in his domain.

Spraying Behavior

Male kitties usually spray urine to mark their territory. Feline urine has a strong, stinky odor and male cats use this odor to tell other felines to stay away from their possession.

However, male cats also spray for other reasons such as when they’re angry or nervous.

Alpha Cat

male cats vs female cats

Inherent to male species, every male feline will strive to become the alpha male or the king of his territory.

It’s easy to spot the alpha male because he’s the most aggressive one among the bunch and is likely to pick fights with other males.

Alpha male feline likes to be in control and will also assert his dominance to their humans by getting you to do whatever he wants.

Restless Roaming

If you intend to have indoor pets, you'll find male cats more challenging to confine indoors than female kitties.

This is because male felines are more of the ‘explorer' type and they tend to wander most of the time outdoors.

You need to be more watchful with male kitties because they can go for long trips and can be gone for days.

They are more likely to get lost, get stolen or get involved in vehicular accidents if you let them come and go as they please.

More Affectionate Towards Owners

male cats vs female cats personalities

Since intact male felines are more possessive than their female counterparts, they’ll also demonstrate their possessiveness on their humans.

That is why most people claim that male kitties are more affectionate because this is how they show other pets that their owners belong to them.

With that being said, expect them to be more clingy and are likely to require you to play with them all the time.

Mating Habits

When intact male felines reached maturity, he will spend most of his time searching for a mate.

You'll often see him roaming in the outdoors while making loud and persistent vocalization.

However, don't worry, all of these behaviors are typical signs of a reproductively mature feline.

As explained earlier, neutering an unfixed male kitty can eradicate these negative habits and undesirable behaviors.

Essential Temperamental Traits of the Female Cat

male cats vs female cats

Much like male felines, hormones also play a crucial role in the behaviors and personalities of the female kitty.

Intact or unsprayed female felines tend to demonstrate odd behaviors once they reach sexual maturity.

However, these temperamental traits can diminish after they have been spayed.

Going Into Heat

Around six months of age, a female feline may begin her seasonal heat that will generally occur to her every three weeks.

Going into estrus, which is commonly called being in heat, is the period where a female kitty is receptive to mating.

Estrus period is often associated with excessive meowing and yowling to let nearby tomcats know of her presence.

During this period, they also tend to be more affectionate towards their humans while also showing signs of restlessness.

Female kitties usually don't bleed during the estrus cycle. If you notice your pet with bloody discharges, call your vet right away as this can be a symptom of an illness.

Territorial Habit

male cats vs female cats personalities

They may lack testosterone and the aggressiveness of male felines, but that doesn’t make female kitties less territorial.

Although they don’t spray urine as much as males do, they usually mark their territory by rubbing their bodies over places or things they want to claim.

So don't be surprised if you see them rubbing themselves against you. It is their way of telling that you belong to them.

Again, these behaviors are more apparent on or before estrus cycle.


Female kitties also spray, but they are less likely to do it than males. They spray to mark their territory and to warn other females to stay away from her domain.

Spraying becomes more frequent when they go into heat. 

Alpha Female

Female cats can also be the alpha especially if they are dominant by nature.

The alpha female keeps her place at the top of the hierarchy in a multiple cat household.

She is sometimes referred to as the ‘queen,' and she often hisses at other resident cats to let them know who runs the place.

Maternal Instincts

male cats vs female cats

Once she becomes a mother, a female feline can develop maternal instincts that may extend beyond their offspring.

They may be less affectionate than their male counterparts, but female kitties will surely take care of you more.

Surprisingly, female felines are better than males when it comes to hunting. Most mothers hunt to provide food for their litters.

Not only for their kittens but they will also hunt food for their owners. If you have a female kitty at home, don’t be alarmed if you ever find dead rodents and birds at your doorstep.

These offensive things are probably gifts from your caring feline pet.

More Sociable Towards Other Female Cats

Male felines are known to be hostile towards other males, but female felines are precisely the opposite.

Girly kitties bond more strongly with each other as evidenced by their usual greeting of rubbing their faces together and kissing each other’s noses.

It's in their nature. Males want to fight each other while females wish to socialize with each other.

Health Issues of the Male Cat

male cats vs female cats personalities

Due to the difference in their hormonal structure, male and female felines are separately affected by specific health problems.

For male felines, you need to watch out for the following health issues:

Tail gland hyperplasia

This condition is also called ‘stud tail’ in which the sebaceous gland in the tail gets inflamed or infected. Stud tail commonly occurs in intact male cats.

When this happens, the feline tail may look swollen and crusty with missing hair at the base of the tail.

The infected tail may also emit an unpleasant odor, and a greasy, waxy substance may appear at the base.

Neutering the kitty can help prevent this condition since this illness is caused by increased production of male hormones.

Urinary tract obstruction

Male felines can easily develop urethral obstructions that can be caused by inflammatory mucus and small stones plugging the urethra.

Bladder inflammation resulting in mucus plugs is more common in male cats.

Symptoms of this condition may include painful urination, blood in the urine, frequent urination and peeing outside of a litter box.

Prostate cancer

Cancer can occur in many parts of a feline's body, including the prostate.

This is a gland in the male reproductive system that plays a vital role in the production of semen.

Male felines become more exposed to higher risk of prostate cancer as they age.

Some of the symptoms are bloody urine, fever, weight loss, lethargy, and frequent urination.

Health Issues of the Female Cat

male cats vs female cats

As for the female felines, here are the most common sex-specific issues that you need to watch out:

Cystic endometrial hyperplasia

This is a condition in intact female felines as a result of the hormonal changes in the uterus after the estrus cycle.

Increased level of progesterone allows the lining of the uterus to thicken as preparation for pregnancy.

If pregnancy does not occur, the coating may continue to thicken which will eventually lead to infection.

Uterine tumors

Whether malignant or not, tumors may develop in the uterus of intact female cats.

Symptoms may arise during the later stages. You need to watch out for signs such as vaginal discharge, bloody urine, weight loss, vomiting, increased thirst, and lethargy.

Mammary gland tumors

Tumors in a feline's mammary gland start as small lumps as they enlarge and ulcerate the skin.

This disease can be prevented by having your female kitty spayed before six months of age.

General symptoms of this condition include depression and anorexia.

A strong, foul odor is also emitted from the mammary gland as the tumors become infected and necrotic.

Lifespan: Male Cats vs Female Cats

male cats vs female cats personalities

According to some studies, female felines tend to live longer than male felines, at least by a year or two. However, how true is this?

Gender isn't the primary determinant of feline life expectancy. It is somewhat more influenced by the breed.

Siamese breed, for example, can live for about 20 years while other races only have 9 to 14 years of lifespan.

Apart from the breed, other factors may influence the longevity of a pet's life.

Its daily diet, environment, mood, and healthcare can all affect the lifespan of a feline regardless of the breed.

Size: Male Cats vs Female Cats

male cats vs female cats

Typically, male felines are bigger and heavier than their female counterparts.

However, size also depends on the genetics and the level of nutrition that they're getting from their food.

So there’s a possibility that a female kitty can grow bigger and weightier than a male feline.

Conclusion: Male Cats vs Female Cats

This in-depth comparison between male cats vs female cats should assist you in making a decision.

We have presented all the critical factors that differentiate male and female felines. Now it's up to you to choose.

Male cats vs female cats personalities, temperaments, and health care should help you decide.

When adopting a feline pet, consider your lifestyle and search for a pet with a personality that perfectly matches yours.

If you don't mind an aggressive and playful companion, then you may consider a male kitty.

However, if you're looking for a more peaceful pet, then a female kitty is the better option.

Then again, felines are complex creatures, and they're unpredictable.

Some male kitties can be more amicable than other females, and some female kitties can be more combative than other males.

Each feline is unique in its ways, and they can surprise you in every way possible.

Also, keep in mind that their temperaments and behaviors can dramatically change after being spayed and neutered.

Your usually aggressive pet can become friendly and calm after neutering. Alternatively, your generally wandering kitty can become lazy after spaying.

If we look at these things, it wasn't the gender that determines these behaviors. It's the hormones.

Since male and female possess different hormones, it’s only natural for them to demonstrate different personalities.

Regardless of the gender, adopting a pet means that you accept all of its right sides as well as its wrong sides.

So it doesn't matter if you choose a male or a female feline as a pet. The most important thing is how you love and nurture your pet as part of your family.

Feel free to read more some of our helpful guides and reviews. You may also check out Bengal vs Savannah blog at miauland we love to do comparisons for more cat breed ideas.


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