Effects and dangers of cat urine, health, allergy and more!

Learn about the hidden dangers of cat urine and how to eliminate its odor from your home.

A litter box is probably the best solution to address this concern. However, there's more to that than the act of burying their excrements with soil.

Defecating and urinating on a particular spot is also their way of leaving a territorial mark. 

When a kitty pees on the carpet, it actually means that it’s claiming that spot as its own. 

The dangers of cat urine and its adverse effects on human are not always apparent. This is because the hazardous impact progresses slowly.

The Arsenal of Disease-Causing Bacteria

dangers of cat urine

Human and animal wastes carry bacteria and germs that are hazardous to health. 

It’s common knowledge that it’s essential to clean up a kitty’s feces or urine to get rid of the stench inside the house.

Of course, wearing gloves is the best way to protect yourself from getting in contact with the waste.

Keep in mind though, that odor is caused by microscopic particles. No matter how faint the smell is, the presence of an odor automatically means the presence of bacteria. 

A good quality litter box is a must-have if you want to minimize your problems with cat urine. 

So how do we keep ourselves safe from the dangers of cat urine while allowing our beloved pets inside the house?

First, you need to understand the dangers of cat urine and the possible health risks that they may bring.

Is Cat Urine Dangerous?

health effects of breathing cat urine odor

The answer is ‘yes.' Cat urine is dangerous to health. 

However, you probably didn't know that the lingering odor of cat urine is still harmful even if the stain is gone.

If the lingering urine odor is neglected, the odor-causing germs proliferate resulting to a more stinky smell. 

Moreover, if you leave the odor as it is. Your kitty is more likely to pee on the same spot again. This is because it can smell its mark no matter how faint the odor is.

It's hard to imagine how a subtle odor can cause serious health problems. However, you have to take the dangers of cat urine seriously before it's too late.

Health Effects of Breathing Cat Urine Odor

cat urine allergy

1. Cat urine contains high levels of ammonia

If you let cat urine sit on a surface for an extended period, it can crystallize and form vapor. 

Not only does ammonia smell nasty but it's not safe to breathe it in. 

Cat urine ammonia is corrosive and irritating. The longer you leave the urine there, the stronger the vapor gets.

2. Cat urine allergy

can cat urine cause headaches

People are quick to assume that it was the fur that triggers allergic reactions. 

However, little did they know that cat urine can trigger allergies worse than fur. 

Cat urine contains a high concentration of allergens that release many immune system chemicals that can cause allergy symptoms.

Urine moisture and pee stains can pose risks of allergy.

Aside from skin contact, allergens can also make their way through inhalation and ingestion. 

How To Eliminate Cat Urine Odor From Your Home

Cleaning up cat urine by wiping off isn’t enough to eliminate odor and stain. 

Look for commercial enzymatic cleaners that contain friendly microbes that can kill odor-causing bacteria in the urine.

You can also use some everyday household items to do the trick.

1. Vinegar
Pour the pure vinegar in an empty spray bottle, do not dilute it water. Spray on the soiled area and let it dry naturally. 

2. Hydrogen Peroxide
Don't apply the hydrogen peroxide directly on the affected surface. Dilute the antiseptic with water following the ratio of 70% water and 30% hydrogen peroxide.

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, or you can dip a cloth in it and blot the surface. Rinse the area with fresh water and repeat the process if necessary.

3. Baking soda
Some people don’t like the idea of applying vinegar on their carpets and clothing, and you don’t have to.

Use baking soda to absorb the smell without having to spray any liquid cleaner. 

Brush the area with a sponge or scrub to distribute the baking soda, allowing it to seep deeper and absorb the odor. Leave it for 24 hours.

Vacuum the area and clean off every last trace of the baking soda. Repeat the process until the odor is gone.


Regardless of the type of animal, you have for a pet; you need to understand that all urines can pose certain health risks.

Again, pet urine odor becomes potentially hazardous when you leave it untreated for long periods of time.

There are several ways to eliminate cat urine odor permanently, and it's up to you to choose the best method.

More importantly, understanding the dangers of cat urine can help you protect yourself and your family from possible health hazards.